
Francesco Menconi  42, as yet unknown in official literary circles, is a South-African born Italian ’Signore’ recently spotted right here in Vienna, after nearly a decade of absence from the intellectual scene.

As a fluent native speaker of English, Italian and Afrikaans, and able in French and German on a scholastic level, he is broadly considered by his peers as being an excellent communicator; with a professional appearance.

Investigation into this enigmatic man’s history reveals that he has apparently always had a knack for putting into concise and colourful words even the vaguest and dreariest thoughts and concerns of others.

After a spell working as a Lawyer in South Africa in his own name and style, the unsung hero moved to the land of his Etruscan ancestors (Tuscany, Italy). The incompatibility of the applicable legal systems however required a shift in career path and he contented himself with travelling around the country, working where he would, and writing when he could.

A talent, after a fashion, as a natural host, together with a familiar personality and a keen eye for detail gained him much favour amongst the Catering and Hospitality fraternity, which  quickly embroiled him into ever-more complex tasks and positions, culminating in the opening of his own businesses, first in Tuscany, and the later in London.

During this time of change and learning our patron remained at all times attentive to the eager acquisition of trade, business and public relations experience. Clearly self-motivated and very hard-working, scrutiny of his resume further suggest that he invariably conducted himself as the ideal team player; preferring to lead from within the group.

Cut to the present…

Well folks, its true! We are happy to report that Francesco has again emerged from his life of servitude; unscathed and better prepared than ever before to  recommence his siege on conventional wisdom! He has confirmed unconditionally that he is now permanently settled in Vienna with his beautiful wife and children and has taken up stable “bread and butter” employment with a local language institute.

Keener than ever to establish  himself as  a purveyor of eloquence, he however hopes to conquer the forces of depravity and obscurity by the sheer power of his own creativity.

Personally, I will be following his posts and hope to hear from him again soon.

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